Tuesday, July 22, 2008

"TWO" cute

We celebrated Estelle's second birthday... and the second anniversary of my thirty-second birthday yesterday. All I can say is.... LET HER EAT CAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Daddy's helpers

Estelle teaching Daddy a few tricks on his Mac-book.

Helping Daddy play.

Again, Estelle teaching Daddy how to assemble the entertainment center.

Estelle teaching Daddy how to make an Oliver loaf.

Estelle teaching Daddy a little about prosthodontics... he looks less impressed than she does!

Lil' Man

Really, what can I say about  this cutie?

Yummy in the tubby...

Picture Find...

Take a close look and tell me what is wrong with this picture...

Yep, that's right... Brian and Estelle are hanging in the 'crib'.

Playing Dress Up on a budget...

Brian fashioned this for Estelle, getting the most for our grocery money!!! 

Monday, July 14, 2008

When in Rome...Go see Shamu

What two-year-old wouldn't want to wear sunglasses, a pajama top and swim bottoms to Sea World?

The only happy photo of anyone once we arrived at the park.

We are less than 20 minutes from Sea World and were convinced by some of Brian's classmates to join them Saturday in going. In hindsight, I really should have taken a before and after photo for us to find humor in... one day. All went well until we entered the park... then our two-year-old daughter turned into fist slinging machine... complete with clocking daddy in the ear and pulling mommy's hair. That's what we get for taking a toddler to Sea World on a Saturday in July; I believe the punishment fit the crime. Oliver of course was a trooper!

Talk about BED HEAD!

Sometimes I wonder what in the world Estelle does in her bed while she is sleeping. I went in to get her and found her like this; and it wasn't until she stood up that I realized what I was encountering. Looks like this most have been a REALLY good nap!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

This little piggy took a bath...

As you can see, it was a big day at the Broadwell house yesterday. Estelle had her first pig-tails! She ran around SOOOOOO excited about them and would not let them go for her bath! It is so much fun having a little girl!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sunday in the park

How cute is this twosome???

Estelle let Brian carry her the entire hike.

"...hmmm wonder what this will taste like..."

"...hmmm, wonder what they'd say if I jumped in..."

We have been hearing about the great hiking around San Antonio and have wanted to get out with the kids to check it out. We discovered two things this past Sunday... One, there is a beautiful Botanical Garden downtown that is family friendly and great for leisurely hiking. Two, it is just too d_ _ _ hot to be caring kids around in the afternoon south Texas sun! We will be sticking to shady morning hikes until the fall.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Our neighbors

As mentioned previously, our small neighborhood is nestled in a very woodsy area... at best I can liken it to Ellerbe Road. On our evening walks, it is not at all unusual to see upwards of 20 or so deer.

Family Fun

Mimi and Oliver

Estelle and Scruffy...both longing to be on the other side of the door!

Estelle's too silly for this hat!

Wheezie and Oliver

Wheezie and Bear with E & O at Mexican retaurant overloooking northern San Antonio.
Mimi, Poppa and Scruffy getting last minute love from E & O!

Since our move on June 1, we have been fortunate enough to be visited both my parents and the Broadwells. It was great fun for Estelle to get to give her grandparents the tour of our new home. Of course they couldn't resist coming to see the kids!! We are certainly blessed beyond measure to have their love and support!

...I just realized that the kids are wearing practically the same thing in both pictures taken weeks apart! That which gets washed and put back on top of the pile gets worn most!!!