Wednesday, October 22, 2008

More from the B'well visit

Oliver with Gene and Su-su

Turkey Creek Ranch in Uvalde, TX, is Gene and Sue's 2000 acre ranch and is really lovely.  We were able to meet them out there for lunch and a tour of the land.  They were, as always, more then hospitable and we look forward to returning to their beautiful ranch soon. 

At the beautiful entry gates, hand-crafted in Mexico.

"Let's go"

I wish we had a good picture of the view these guys are getting.


Aaron loves flying the kids around, and they love it too!

Aaron and Estelle were each other's dinner entertainment.


Wheezie and her girl.

The meeting of Oliver and Aaron.  Happy!

Too pretty a picture not to share!

O and his uncles.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Oh what fun with Wheezie, Bear and Uncles Aaron and Adam

"I'll pull you if you pull me"

"cummon Ehwen"

"Yook, Adum, de mooooon"
"here, see if you can reach it"
Estelle, our green-eyed monster.. 

tres Kennedy men... lk, bk and OK!

Three good looking Broadwells!

"Look, Adam, it's my Jack-o-Lightern"

"Wheezie, come see my room!"

Last weekend was really big around these parts as we had ALL of the Broadwells came to pay us visit.  Oliver was introduced to his godfather, Uncle Aaron, who flew in from Jacksonville, Fl, with lots of love, hugs and kisses for everyone.   And Estelle was ecstatic to have Bear, Wheezie, Uncle Aaron and Uncle Adam come to HER house in "tonio"!   We were able to capture our annual Christmas card photo on the River Walk without too much trouble which was a surprise with two little kids and a river.  
 - more pictures to come from uncle Aaron's cameras

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

How precious this time really is...

As a parent, you hope you are doing the best you can to provide a secure and loving life for your children.  It is hard to know for sure when often days can begin so imperfectly and go down hill by the hour.  Some days run on and on and some evenings are full of whines and tears and our patience wears to translucency.  
Then, there are times when you really think you are doing something right...
I do not have a photo of this to share with you so I will do my best to paint the picture of these special moments.  Over the last few weeks, we have adopted a new night-time routine where, after baths,  we all pile in Mommy and Daddy's bed.  As I snuggle Oliver in for a "night-cap", Estelle collects Brian, "wammy" and her literary pick for the evening.  Before climbing into our bed, she makes sure the doors to the hall and bathroom are closed so as to only let in a whisper of light.  Then, she makes her way up and cuddles in between Brian and me.  She softly "sssshhhhh" 's us so we do not startle or wake Oliver (ironic, I know!).   We talk and giggle softly as life seems to stand still in time.  Both of the kids seem to enjoy it as much as we do and in these precious moments, there is no wrong or evil in the world.  All is so right and so well and it seems the love in that room could cure any ill.  When it is time to put Oliver to bed, Brian ushers Estelle to hers... then off to the books he goes and I continue picking up the house after dinner and a long day of play and disarray.   
Difficult days are hard to recall with such sweet endings! 

Saturday, October 4, 2008

not just the FIRST of October

With Wednesday came not only the first of October, but Oliver's first solo sitting adventure.  At 5 1/2 months, he's a little ahead of Estelle in the "baby tricks" department.  He can sit for very long periods before falling with style to the floor.  What a big boy!

our Preschool Princess

Estelle is now a preschooler!  We found a wonderful little preschool called the Children's Enrichment Center close to Brian's school.  She attends MWF mornings from 8:45-11:45.  Estelle LOVES it and her teacher, Ms. Carol.  The first day of every month is "spirit day" when everyone wears their t-shirts.  We had our first parent/teacher conference day last week and  I report with a pride-swollen chest that Estelle received glowing comments.  She is growing to be such a big girl and we are in such love!

A couple of my recent favorites

We are truly  having an incredible time with the kids.  Yes, the days can seem endless at times but we are LEARNING how to appreciate every moment (well, almost every moment) and make the most of them all.  Time is going by so quickly and these stages are so precious.  I cannot say the house is spotless...most days it surely is not.  Nor can I say all of our clothes are neatly folded and put away.  However, I can say that we are blessed beyond our wildest dreams for all that we have, especially our babies!

No title required

...just so dang cute!!!